The lights inside the tap are LEDs, which are extremely reliable and will run for thousands of hours. The LEDs are powered by two dynamos, one for the blue light and one for the red light. The dynamos create kinetic energy from the water flowing through them, which then powers the LEDs.
The most likely cause for fading LEDs is that the dynamos are blocked and unable to spin correctly, which means that there isn’t sufficient energy to light the LEDs. We suggest removing both dynamos from their housing and giving them a clean to ensure that they can operate correctly.
I’ve attached a series of images and the installation instructions for the product.
The steps are as follows:
1. Firstly, check that the power cable is correctly connected to the dynamo box. If it isn’t, then this will be causing the problem with the LEDs.
2. Close the water supply using the isolation/filter valves which were supplied with the product, then turn on the tap to drain the excess water. If isolation valves were not installed, turn off the mains supply and drain the system*
3. Open the dynamo housing and remove each dynamo – see attached photo of a dynamo
4. Unscrew the top section to reveal the dynamo wheel. Clean the dynamo wheel and ensure that it can spin correctly – see attached photo of a dynamo wheel
5. Ensure that there are no blockages within the water channel – see attached photo of the water channel.
6. Reassemble the dynamos, place them back in to the housing and turn on the water supply. Turn on the tap to see if the issue has been resolved.
*The supplied isolation valves contain filters, which help to prevent debris from entering the dynamos. If these valves weren’t installed, or a suitable alternative wasn’t installed, then this problem could develop again in future.